Jaws aka lots of other names (He was not happy about me taking pictures of him!)
What do you call a fish with no i's? Fsh!! (It's not a very funny joke written down, so tell it to someone else - like Kiki - and it will be a lot better!)
As another anniversary present to each other, Scott and I went and bought a fish today!!!!!! Haha yes, I am actually that excited about getting a fish! The apartment gets kind of lonely sometimes and it's nice to have some company :) Scott and I have gone through some names but haven't officially decided on one. Here are some of what we've come up with (just fyi, Scott would really like to use a gangsta name, and I would prefer something ferocious sounding! You'll see that pretty clearly when you see the choices we've come up with.) Jaws, Snoop Fish, Notorious F.I.S.H., Masta F, Killer. Let me know if you've got some suggestions! Anyway, we'll call him Jaws for now because it's the easiest to type. Jaws, is a male beta fish. He has a pink body and blue-ish, purple-ish fins. He obviously already knows that I'm his mom because he stares at me from his tank and follows me around when I'm walking around near his bowl. He also really enjoys watching ESPN.
Haha, yes, I know I am a total dork, but Scott and I were excited to get a pet and that's all we can afford/all that's allowed in the apartment. I know everyone is very excited to meet him!!!! He is also excited to meet the fam, especially his sisters Sunny and Maya :) - Hopefully, he and Maya get along ok!
Also, Scott has already taught him some tricks. Stay, dance, give the rock, noggin, etc. :)
Getting ready to put him into his new home!
Pouring - I had to really concentrate!
Scott with his new buddy!
Me and my new friend
Jake is gonna be so jealous! He wants a fish for his bday!
ReplyDeleteI like all those names! I also like Chomper....
Congrats on a great tournament!! It was super fun to watch and hang out! And the weather was perfect!
ReplyDeleteI'm exhausted from so much fun!!! haha
How about 'Fluffy' or something gentle....that little fish seems to nice for a mean name!! Or maybe Thriller or Billy Jean....j/k of course! I vote for Elvis!!!
Official name is Snoop Fish! Original gangster of the West Side!!!