Sunday, January 31, 2010

Courtney is Pregnant!!!!

Just a quick update on my family...

My sister Courtney is pregnant!! I am so happy for her and Anthony, but it's sooooo weird to me that someone will be calling her Mom! You might think, "Michelle, you already have two sisters that are Mom's, why is it so weird?" And, my answer is, it was weird when Jennifer got pregnant the first time, weird when Kiki got pregnant, and it's now still weird that Courtney is pregnant! I just know that her life will be so different now (in a fantastic way) and so thinking of her in such a different role is just hard to picture!!!

But anyway, I'm very happy for Courtney and Anthony! Congrats to them! Love you guys and your baby kumquat!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party (Thanks for the sweater Mom :) )

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break! Mine was absolutely awesome! I got to spend a ton of time with my family and see lots of friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

I went to a Tacky Christmas sweater party and saw friends, made Christmas cookies with the little boys and sisters (minus Courtney who we missed a lot!!), opened presents and read books on Christmas Eve, opened Santa presents Christmas morning with Owen, then later on in the day saw Jake, Josh and Jill's presents from Santa, opened the rest of our presents, and helped cook/ate Christmas dinner.

And that's only part of the trip!!! I'll write about the rest as soon as I get more pics :)

Here are some Christmas pics from this year:

This was for the tacky Christmas sweater party that my friends have every year. Thank you Mom for supplying the sweater :)

My mom and I at the movie premiere for our neighbors movie!

Making Christmas cookies! Yea!

Grandeb made a "scavenger hunt" Christmas Eve game. This was team Peaches (that's the word the little boys yelled during ghost stories in Alabama)

Team "You just got poned by the cauliflower Spartans" - Everybody contributed to the name which is why it was so long. And, poned is something Jake and his friends say, kind of like you got owned.

The boys and Jill in their Christmas PJ's... the girls got some too but not everyone was there to take pictures (Courtney was snowed in in Iowa, yikes!)

Reading T'was the Night Before Christmas

My Christmas Eve sleeping buddy and me ready to go down and get our presents Santa left!

My sweet dog Sunny with her pink nose and white face! Apparently, the pink nose makes her "less desirable" but I think it's super cute! Plus, she's the sweetest dog ever!!!

Aaron and Owen opening presents Christmas morning

Owen and me saying Thank You to Santa for all of our presents! Haha

Grandebb trying to wrap while Courtney and Anthony's sweet dog Tex "helps".

Jake and PawPaw hard at work with a new Xmas present

Jill and me in her new playhouse!

Just a really cute picture of Jill

My awesome MeeMaw opening a present!

I know it's hard to see but I'm wearing oven mits because it's FREEZING and I had no gloves!

Jake with his karate Christmas bow headband

Owen showing off his karate moves

Josh showing off his karate moves

Jill is 100% convinced she's playing the Wii

Kiki and Jennifer doing their Wii fit karate moves, haha. Jennifer is really just moral support for Kiki who's on the board.

Family Christmas card pic. Finally we have a pic with everyone in it!!