Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
WOW, Sorry!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
AVP U26 Long Beach!!!!
Kim DiCello and I won the AVP U26 in Long Beach this weekend!!!!! It was sooo exciting!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Jaeger Bands
Monday, June 7, 2010
Santa Monica CBVA!!!
TURKEY, here I come!!!!

TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!! Here I come!!!!
Here are links to the information I have on Turkey! - Tourney site - apparently it doesn't have a ton of info but it has cool pics! 2010-1700.html - FISU website, which is the World University Games organization.
I can't believe it's only a week away!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Huntington Qualifier Broadcast!!!
Are you aware that Texas is a whacked out different country?
Texas is the best country ever!!! :) And, if you doubt it, ask any Texan, they'll tell you! Haha (And yes, I said country on purpose!)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Ellen's World Domination

Friday, May 28, 2010
Chiapas- Dariam winning the gold!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It's finally the day!! I leave for Chiapas, Mexico at 11:30 pm Wednesday and get in on Thursday. I don't have a ton of information about it but we play Friday for sure :) probably Saturday for sure and Sunday is probably the finals! You can go to to follow along!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Birthday Basket!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Believe In Yourself

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Birthday Weekend!
I definitely missed getting to share my birthday with my family, and I missed getting to be there for my Mom's and Courtney's birthdays as well! Even if we didn't get to spend the actual day together we were usually able to have some sort of birthday dinner for the 3 of us, close to our birthdays! Usually we go to dinner (or my Dad or Mom fix it), have some cake, open some presents, you know the usual.
This year, I woke up at 4:45 am, picked up my partner Tori Grafeman and we drove up to Santa Barbara for the AVP Qualifier. My coach Nancy Mason drove up with Whitney Pavlick (another volleyball player/friend of mine) to help coach us, which was really awesome! Nancy brought me a little present to open too, which was super nice!
Anyway, we played our two matches which I already wrote about, the second was such a heartbreaker!!!! And, since we were super bummed we lost, I hung out and watched Cayley's match finish up (they won the match I watched!) and then we headed back to Hermosa as soon as possible. We got back and I pretty much laid on the couch all day not planning on doing anything at all because I played 2 matches and drove 5 1/2 hours that day and was totally exhausted. But, then my awesome roommates (Mitch, Taylor and Taylor's girlfriend Brittany) came home and all decided since it was my birthday we had to get out and do SOMETHING! We went and got a piece of pizza from Paisano's which is my FAVORITE pizza place in the area, and then we went to hang out at a place down the street where our friend works. We danced a little and hung out and then headed BACK to Paisano's for round 2 haha. Yes, we went to get pizza twice in one night, which, if you know me, is the best birthday dinner ever, haha. We were all pretty tired so we went back to the house and passed out. It wasn't the craziest birthday ever but I totally appreciated my friends helping me make the best out of my not so great day!
The next day Tori and I were supposed to fly to Ft. Lauderdale but since there were only 8 teams signed up and we needed 12 we decided not to take the risk and save the money. So, I drove up to San Diego so I could hang out with Scott and our friends down here. I got in Friday afternoon and Scott and I grabbed a bite to eat and then got ready for the baseball game. It was beerfest (don't worry MeeMaw, I didn't have any :) ) so Scott had a few friends meet up and we all went to the game together. It was my first Padres game this season so I was super excited to go! We hung out, watched the game and then went out for a little bit with everyone.
The rest of the weekend has consisted mostly of getting Scott and his roommate, Steve, moved into their new apartment which is just as awesome as the last one! It is super nice and is basically connected to the baseball field which is really cool! On the 7th floor of their building is a "party" area which is for everyone in the building to use and you can literally watch the baseball game from there! It looks over right field so it's a great view!
Anyway, I will head back early tomorrow morning to get another week of training started! My next tournament will be the NORCECA in Mexico that I qualified for with Dana and that is May 15th weekend. I am so excited for that! And, I will get to see my old UT teammate Dariam Acevedo there because she plays for the Puerto Rican beach national team!!
Have a great week! Happy Sunday!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
AVP Santa Barbara/Ft. Lauderdale
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Au Revoir Cote d'Azur!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's Here!!!

Tomorrow is the day, it has finally come... I leave for my Monte Carlo tournament!!!! Yea!!!! I can't wait to go represent the US in beach volleyball! I'm also super excited that I get to go and do it with my friend Cayley Thurlby!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Flip cam!!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Easter Bunny
Friday, April 2, 2010
When you were younger and your older sister's friends were babysitting you, what helped you sleep better? a. soothing jungle noises b. sticking your hand in a bowl of warm water
Haha well, since both have actually been done to me, I can answer honestly that the answer is c. all of the above.... Oh wait... Haha :) Man, I remember being so mad at the time when I woke up with my hand in the water, but now I can't stop laughing thinking about it!!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Beautiful San Diego!

Well, since I'm on Spring Break I made a trip down to San Diego to hang out with Scott for a few days! He and his roommate and friend from high school are living for a month in a penthouse apartment overlooking Petco Park and because they are so high up, it over looks A LOT of other pretty parts of San Diego! Long story short, Scott and Steve were supposed to move into an apartment across the street from Petco but the guy bailed on them with 2 days left before they moved in!!!! Yeah, so rude... I couldn't believe it!!! But, Steve is a property manager and was able to find a great deal for the place they are staying now for a month, and already has a new place lined up for move-in in a month! They are both great locations and about a great a price as you can find around here :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Volleyball, Dodgeball and Strength Training!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monte Carlo!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
How are you so good at recognizing shapes and colors?
My 4 and 5 year olds at school have been teaching me :) I think I've got most of them down now!
What ultimately led you to choose to pursue beach volleyball professionally over continuing to play indoor overseas (Puerto Rico, Europe or wherever else)?
I still haven't given up on indoor volleyball, but I have just fallen in love with the beach game! I can't think of a better office than the beach :) But, if a great opportunity came up for me to play indoor, I would probably take it. I'll always love indoor volleyball as well!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Pledge of Allegiance
When our little lone star (that would be you) first moved to So. Cal, did you experience any degree of culture shock?
Getting adjusted is an ongoing process ;)
Since you're a UT-Austin alum, is there a memorial for the victims of the l966 massacre or is it something that the college wants to forget about?
Yes, there is a Memorial garden on the UT campus for the victims. I'm sure UT wishes they could forget about the incident but they will never, ever want to forget about the people who died that day.
l noticed that you didn't participate in last year's Coney lsland AVP tournament. Have you ever been to NYC? Do you plan on coming east for either the Belmar AVP tourn. or the Long lsland AVP Qualifier?
I actually have been to New York City and I love it! My best friend from back home lives there now so she gave me a great tour last time I was there! And, hopefully, I will be at at least one if not both of those tournaments!
Monday, March 15, 2010
What do you like most about where you live now?
I like that when I wake up and walk into my living room, I see the sand and waves. And, I like even more that when I walk out my front door I'm standing on the sand :) You can't beat being at the beach. I've always been a beach girl at heart! (I still LOVE Texas too, of course!)
Ask Me Questions!!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
USA Try Out... Number 1 of 2????

Today was the first High Performance try out of the "summer" for USA Volleyball. Apparently, I was one of the only people that got that memo, haha. There were about 30 people total, 20-ish guys and 10 girls. I was the only U26 participant, there was one U21 participant and the rest were between the ages of 15 and 18. So, it made for an interesting try out!! The girls were all super nice and worked hard but it was weird trying to make things work with such a different level of player. And, I am not at all saying they were bad, because they definitely weren't, but 95% percent of the girls had no beach experience so it was just a little different :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
USA IDQ Finale!
Today was the play off day of the USA IDQ. Dana and I ended up playing 4 matches (obviously a good sign!) and are now both completely exhausted!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
USA IDQ Day 1!
Day 1 of the USA IDQ is done! I won my two pool play matches in three games each. The first match I played was against the number one seeded team in the tournament!! My partner, Dana Kabashima, and I played GREAT the first game! I think the score was about 21-15. The other team changed their strategy a bit the second game and it was close, but we lost. The third game was close the entire way but we pulled it out at the end and won 15-12!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mrs. Lippy's Class!!!
This is not all of our team, but it was most of us! We are still undefeated heading into the home stretch of the season. Next week we play the next best team and we will be dressed as Ninjas! Look out!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I just recently rediscovered my favorite energy drink/supplements and am sooo happy that I did! All through high school and college I drank Spark which is an AdvoCare product and took a few other AdvoCare supplements. I guess after 8 years of taking it, I decided to take a little break, but I am full swing back into my AdvoCare stage and I don't think it will fade again!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge
Monday, March 1, 2010
Pro-Am Champs!
I won a flat screen TV this weekend!!! Yes, that's right, besides all of the other highlights of my weekend, I actually won a flat screen TV! So awesome!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
February Fun
Once again, I know it has been awhile but I've been so busy enjoying my new busy life that I barely have time to even check my email!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Courtney is Pregnant!!!!

Just a quick update on my family...