Sunday, November 15, 2009


Happy incredibly late Halloween! :)

Sorry it's been awhile but I've been visiting my family in Houston/Austin and didn't really get on the computer at all! Anyway, I just wanted to post a picture or two of my fun Halloween outfit! Scott and I went as German people and got TONS of compliments. I found my costume at a Halloween store but Scott got real German leather lederhosen!!!

We spent Halloween in Boulder, CO for the University of Colorado homecoming game. Scott's brother and three best friends from Poway went to CU so Scott went and visited them a ton and considers himself an honorary Buff. Even though he got to visit quite a bit, he never made it out to homecoming weekend and we figured it would be a fun time this year since it fell on Halloween weekend!

I spent those three days meeting a lot of Scott's friends and getting to hang out with some of his best friends that I don't get to see much. We went to some of the classic Buff hang outs- Half-fast subs, K's China, the Foundry, the Walrus, the Sink, etc. We went to the football game on Saturday which was kind of rough. The Buffs, bless their hearts, just didn't play so well, so our whole group left at half time to go back to tailgating. That night we got to get all dressed up in our costumes and hang out with friends some more.

Overall, it was an awesome weekend!!

I'll update about my Houston trip as soon as I get some pics from my mom and sisters!

Outside the Sink (I couldn't bring myself to wear CU stuff, so I wore black trying to pretend!)

View from inside the stadium - rough place to play, huh?

Pretty scenery pic :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood

I just want to ask everyone to pray for the soldiers, fallen and wounded, and the families of those soldiers from Fort Hood. What happened there today was absolutely awful and unbelievable. How sad that our soldiers aren't even safe on their own bases now! The man who did this is, well, I can't even express in words how horrible I think he is. I don't care what was going on in his life there is nothing to justify something so terrible! It breaks my heart to think of the families who rejoiced that their loved ones deployment finally came to an end, only to have this horrible man take their lives on US soil.

Please keep praying for these families. I thank God that my family and friends are safe and that 99.999% of our soldiers are out there defending us, not attacking us.