I just got back from a really great trip to Houston! Yea for seeing the fam!! Scott even got to come down with me because he had a bunch of business to take care of (and it all went really well!). Anyway, I had lots of good meals (Taste of Texas, Chuy's, Houston's, bbq with the fam, hmm I'm sure I'm missing some others) which is one of my favorite parts of Houston! And, of course the best part was getting to actually hang out with my fam! It was kind of a quick trip but I still got to see all of the immediate fam at least a little, which was nice.
We ended up with some pretty great pics from the weekend so I wanted to share those...

I really miss my animals out in Cali! Snoop is awesome, but not so cuddly!

I got to go up to Jake, Josh, and Courtney's school two days. The first day, I went with Jenn and Jill and we had lunch with Jake. Then, I went to Mrs. Squillante's classroom and met her kids. They were all awesome! This is me and the girls from Courtney's class.

Scott came with me the second day and we ate lunch with Josh, then went to Courtney's classroom again. This is Scott with the boys, haha. In case you are wondering why two of the boys have their fingers under their noses and one of those two boys has his on his chin as well - Courtney, Scott and I drew mustaches on their fingers and a goatee on the one boy's fore finger and thumb.
Here's a close up. Haha :) Yeah, we did that, not the kids!

This was at Marble Slab after our yummy dinner at Chuy's. I LOVE their creamy jalapeno sauce! Thanks for taking the pic Mom.

Silly boys with Grandebs glasses on (Josh, Owen)

This is the first picture of a hilarious photo shoot! Imagine trying to get an 8, 5, and 3 year old, and a 10 month old to all stand still, look up and smile... at the same time haha

Another try... Owen looks like he wants to attack Jill haha

I think this was actually supposed to be a silly pic... maybe not haha

Different line up... almost got it

I love Josh in this one, haha, who knows where Owen is going, and poor Jakey is trying to be such a good big brother but looks like he's getting tired of it all!

Haha weird, Owen's being goofy :)

So close!

We give up, just be goofy!

Owen's individual silly pic
Jakey's silly pic... we couldn't seem to track Josh down

"Adult" group pic. We had to change locations due to GINORMOUS spiders in the lawn.

Apparently it's difficult for the "adults" to pose nicely too :)

Normal pic, yea :)

Kiki and Courtney being goofy! No way! :)

I think this is one of Jill's possible Halloween costumes...SOO cute!!

Jill's individual shot :)

Getting Owen to take silly pics didn't prove to be much of a problem, haha

Jill's CUTE lady bug costume!!

Owen walked into the living room with this on...hahaha

Jake and Josh with random mustaches :)
Thanks for a fun time fam! I miss you guys a TON!!!