(If you look really close my name is about 3/4 of the way down)
Ok, so I realize this is incredibly late but I made it to the Main Draw in the AVP Manhattan Beach Open!!!! This is one of the two biggest AVP events every season and such an honor to make it into the Main Draw of this tournament! My partner Sydney Donahue and I had a bye for the first match of the qualifier on Thursday which was nice because that meant we only had to win one match to qualify! The first game of our qualifier match was a little shakey, but still a close one. In the second game we were down 20-16 (beach volleyball games are played to 21). And we came back and ended up winning like 25-23!!!!! Then we came out and pretty much dominated the third game and won 15-6!!! It was sooo exciting! Especially since we were so close to being done after the second game!!!
The matches in the main draw didn't exactly go our way but it was a great experience! Our first match was against "Team Gorgeous". These are two girls who dubbed themselves Team Gorgeous a few years ago and it just ended up catching on somehow. Anyway, they have been playing in the main draw for a few years so they are pretty decent, but some day soon I'll be able to beat them! And the second match on Friday was definitely a match we could have won but sadly, we came up short. The people we played were crafty, older ladies and they are usually the hardest to play! They just know so much about the game that they're always one step ahead. Sooo frustrating!
All in all, it was a great day and experience! One of the coolest parts was that Scott and some of my fam were here to see it all! Jennifer, Jake, Josh, Jill and my mom got to catch me playing at the end of their trip out. And Kiki, Aaron, and Owen flew in Wednesday night and got to watch me!
Some other fun things I've gotten to do are go to Medieval Times! That was awesome! I think Scott and I had more fun than the little boys haha. Also, I gave Jose Lima a Texas Volleyball shirt with Moriarty 4 on the back and he wore it to the game the next day! I mean, how cool is that? Jose Lima is wearing my jersey!!!! And he asked for my autograph :) And I had tons and tons of fun with all of my fam that got to come visit. The little boys absolutely loved the beach and did tons of boogie boarding and "surfing". We also played in the sand a ton building castles and burying each other. On Sunday, Scott and I drove out to hang out with Kiki and fam and we got to go on a hot air balloon ride! The balloon stayed tied up but we got to go pretty high! It was so fun!
I'm sad everyone is gone already but thanks so much for coming out fam! And yea for Courtney and Anthony and my dad coming out soon!
Anyway, sorry for the late update but I'll be better, I promise!
Just some random pics of the past week! Most of the pics were taken on other people's cameras!
Jake, Josh and Jose Lima
Scott and little Jilly!
Jill and Lima Time, haha she was not happy.
Hot air-ballooning
Scott, me, Kiki, Aaron, Owen, Mike, and Jaque
Owen and Pao watching fireworks at downtown Disney
I'll post more pics of last week as I get them from mom, Kiki and other photogs!